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🕉 不丹卧香(原廠)
     Bhutan Incense Sticks
🕉 about 28-30 sticks 
🕉 22cm per stick
🕉 1束280元(含國內運費)
🕉 一次買10束送2束









日窩桑朝(Riwo Sangchö),也有人拼寫為Riwo Sanchod,是藏傳佛教的儀式,涉及供養多種物質的混合物,通常通過燃燒的方式供養給神明、護法神和精靈,以淨化和祈求。這些供養通常在戶外的火坑或特殊容器中進行。這項儀式被認為能夠淨化負能量,累積功德,並創造和諧的環境。


用於日窩桑朝供養的具體物質可能會有所不同,但通常包括穀物、草藥、草藥植物和其他像徵性元素。供養通常在誦經和念咒語的同時進行,從燃燒物質產生的煙霧被認為是將供養送到精神領域的一種方式。 日窩桑朝是藏傳佛教儀式的重要組成部分,用於各種場合,包括驅散障礙、平定負面力量或帶來積極變化。對許多藏傳佛教徒來說,這是一種重要的修行,通常以崇敬和虔誠的心態進行。



Riwosangchoe Incense

is mainly contains numerous herbs which are collected within Bhutan. Buddhism believe that by lighting up of these incense will deminish the evils and ameliorate the hunger spirit.  It is manufactured with proper care, clean, hygenically and originated from traditional equipments. 


Riwo Sangchö (Mountain Smoke Offering) is a practice for healing our environment, repaying karmic debts to beings of the six realms, healing all kinds of negative situations. Riwo Sangchö is the most widely-practiced sadhana for the Tibetan rite of sang, fragrant smoke offering. Sang is an ancient and powerful practice for purifying sickness, removing obstacles, accruing merit, and paying karmic debts.

煙供品 Bhutan Riwosangchoe 8.7" (22cm) 一束

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